
Quantitative Approaches to Antimicrobial Resistance meeting in Edinburgh

The Quantitative Approaches to Antimicrobial Resistance meeting will be held immediately following the 19th IUPAB congress and 11th EBSA congress at the Edinburgh International Conference Centre from 2pm on Thursday 20 July until 3pm on Friday 21 July. The meeting aims to bring together microbiologists and biophysicists interested in using quantitative approaches for understanding antimicrobial […]

IUPAB President visits U.K. and Switzerland

From March 26 to April 7, Professor Zihe Rao lead a delegation of Chinese scientists to visit Paul Scherrer Institute, Swiss Light Source Novartis, Max Planck Institute for Biochemistry, Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge University, Diamond Light Source, Oxford University et al. They were invited by Nobel laureate Robert Huber, Nobel laureate Venkatraman Ramakrishnan, Sir […]

Fifth Joint International Conference organized by Institute of Research Engineers and Doctors at Rome, Italy, May 27-28, 2017

You are invited to submit a research article for the above conference, to be held at Hotel Novotel Roma Est, ROME, ITALY. The converence aim is to bring together innovative academics and industrial experts to a common forum. We would be delighted to have you present at this conference to hear what the technology experts […]

Satellite Meeting to 19th IBC IUPAB-EBSA2017 in Edinburgh on Biophysical Approaches to Protein Folding and Disease

Biophysical Approaches to Protein Folding and Disease is a satellite meeting to the European biophysics congress (IUPAB-EBSA2017) in Edinburgh, UK. It focuses on how complementary molecular-scale biophysical methods can be applied to the timely study of the biomedically-pressing issue of protein misfolding. It is organized by the ARBRE-MOBIEU molecular biophysics European network ( and can […]

'Biomolecules and Nanostructures' conference May 10-14, 2017 in Poland

This is the 6th interdisciplinary conference as above, to be held in Podlesice in the Polish Jura, in the very picturesque Krakow-Czestochowa Upland, part of the Jurassic System of south-central Poland and surrounded by dramatic vistas and a chain of majestic medieval castles. Key topics covering current subjects at the crossroads of molecular biology, physics […]

SciDataCon 2016

Most of the presentations given at SciDataCon 2016 which took place in September in Denver, Colorado are now available from the conference website alongside the accepted abstract for the paper. Each session and the abstracts and papers that comprised it are best accessed from the programme page

2 PhD Studentships in Biophysics are available in Benedetto’s Lab at the School of Physics, University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland

Two PhD positions now available in our research group in the framework of a Science Foundation Ireland SIRG award. Each studentship is for 3 years, with a potential extension for 1 extra year. The two PhD projects are based at the School of Physics, University College Dublin. They are in the field of biophysics and […]

19th IBC Young Scientist Travel Awards

Early Career Travel Grants are to assist young biophysicists, especially from developing countries, and applications will open from Monday, January 09, 2017. These IUPAB awards are intended to supplement, rather than to fully pay travel expenses. Maximum award is $1000 Euros and minimum is $250 Euros. The awards are not intended to cover the cost […]

Report on Advanced School on Receptors & Signalling, May 23-27, 2016 on Spetses Island, Greece

This School was held jointly with IUBMB/IUPAB/IUPS. The Spetses Summer Schools have been held annually since 1966, and over the years have attracted more than fifteen Nobel Laureates and more than five hundred different lecturers, to teach more than five thousand young pre- and post-doctoral researchers. The program included lectures, posters and various traiing sessions […]

Report on Summer School on "Imaging neuroinflammation" at Kotor, Montenegro in June, 2016

The Regional Biophysical School “Academician Radoslav K. Andjus” (NERKA) was established in honor of Professor R.K. Andjus (1926-2003), an internationally recognized scientist from the University of Belgrade, a member and founder of Montenegrin and Serbian academies of sciences and arts. This was the sixth school, organized traditionally by the Biophysical Society of Serbia, co-organized by […]