Report on Advanced School on Receptors & Signalling, May 23-27, 2016 on Spetses Island, Greece

Spetses Photo

This School was held jointly with IUBMB/IUPAB/IUPS. The Spetses Summer Schools have been held annually since 1966, and over the years have attracted more than fifteen Nobel Laureates and more than five hundred different lecturers, to teach more than five thousand young pre- and post-doctoral researchers.

The program included lectures, posters and various traiing sessions to enable young scientists to interact with some of the best international experts in their fields. Additionally, there were “tutorials” where young scientists could take advantage of the advice of senior colleagues, as well as a “round table discussion”. As lecturers and young participants were accommodated together, discussions were possible during leisure times, as well as programmed social events such as the farewell dinner held on May 26.

Links to the Programme and list of Lecturers are below.