IUPAB President visits U.K. and Switzerland
From March 26 to April 7, Professor Zihe Rao lead a delegation of Chinese scientists to visit Paul Scherrer Institute, Swiss Light Source Novartis, Max Planck Institute for Biochemistry, Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge University, Diamond Light Source, Oxford University et al. They were invited by Nobel laureate Robert Huber, Nobel laureate Venkatraman Ramakrishnan, Sir Tom Blundell, Sir Andrew McMichael et al.
During this visit in Oxford, as current President of IUPAB, Prof. Rao took time to meet with Prof. Andrew Turberfield, the co-chair of 19th IUPAB congress. Prof. Turberfield reported the progress of the preparations, and they also discussed some issues about 19th congress. Prof. Rao highly praised the achievements of the organizing committee lead by Prof. Turberfield and Prof. Watts, and sincerely appreciated their efforts during the preparation of 19th IUPAB congress. Prof. Rao is very delighted to accept the invitation to write a welcome remark in the program book.
Finally, as the President of Biophysics Society of China (BSC), Prof. Rao emphasized that BSC will continuously support the 19th IUPAB and put bigger efforts into encouraging more participants from China. Both sides agree to invite Professor Sunny Xie from Harvard University, to give the Bei Shizhang Lecture(Bei Lecture)at 19th IUPAB. BSC agreed to pay $2,000 as an award to the speaker of the Bei Lecture