Workshop on Electroporation based technologies and treatments, Ljubljana, Slovenia, November 13-19, 2016
Cell membrane electroporation, its mechanisms and applications in biology, medicine and biotechnology; the basis of the phenomena, current applications and future prospects will be main topics of this international meeting. The topic of electroporation is an interdisciplinary one with broad potential for applications. The interdisciplinary nature of electroporation and of its applications is also reflected in the expertise of the lecturers, which ranges from biology, medicine, pharmacy, to physics, physical chemistry and electrical engineering. Similarly broad is the range of students we expect to attend the course. The course and workshop are however open also to established researchers and medical doctors entering the field of electroporation. The course is also accredited by the Medical Chamber of Slovenia. The completed course is valued 5 credits in the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) and 20 Continuing Medical Education (CME) units.
A weblink to the workshop provides more information: Or