The Task Force on Structural Biology has been established to promote communication among researchers in structural biology, in particular X-ray diffraction, nuclear magnetic resonance and 3D electron microscopy. The aims of the task force are:
Capacity building in structural biology, particularly in developing countries
Dissemination of information by creating an on-line Bulletin Board
Organizing training programs for scientists in established laboratories, with local support for their stay by the host laboratory
Organizing workshops for researchers in developing regions in close collaboration with the IUPAB Task Force on Capacity Building & Education.
To maintain liaison with other Unions and the International Council of Scientific Unions (ICSU) or other scientific organizations, with a view to cooperating in sponsoring joint conferences or participating in joint projects when need arises.
The names of renowned experts in the field, who are members of Council, include:
John Baenziger (Canada)
Erick Dufourc (France)
Juan Carmelo Gomez Fernandez (Spain)
Ch. Mohan Rao (India)
Zihe Rao (China)
Frances Separovic (Australia)
Trevor Sewell (South Africa)
The above Councillors will be members of the Task Force in Structural Biology.
Prof. Frances Separovic, Councillor of IUPAB, will act as Convenor of this Task Force. School of Chemistry. phone:+61 3 9035 7539 or 8344 2447. University of Melbourne, VIC 3010, Australia. Email: fs@unimelb.edu.au website: http://separovic.chemistry.unimelb.edu.au
The Task Force will arrange a workshop before the next Congress in 2019.
The Task Force will post regular progress reports for inclusion in IUPAB News.
The Task Force will engage in cooperative projects with other sister Unions and organizations such as IUBMB, IUCr, IUPAC, IUPAP and others.
The Task Force will assist the organizers of IUPAB Congresses in planning presentations in Structural Biology by nominating possible speakers and appropriate topics for Symposia and nominees for IUPAB awards.