
International School of Nanomedicine, 5-11 April 2018

  3rd Course: “Nanofluidics, Nanoimaging and Nanomanipulation” The course is co-organized with the Nanomedicine Center of the University Milano-Bicocca – NANOMIB The course focuses on the state-of-the-art techniques and advanced biophysical methods related to Nanomedicine.  The Scientific Program includes the following topics: Nanofluidics: i) Nanopores, ii) Nanofluidics, iii) Microfluidics Nanoimaging: i) STED and PALM, ii) […]

IUPAB Task Force on Structural Biology

MISSION STATEMENT The Task Force on Structural Biology has been established to promote communication among researchers in structural biology, in particular X-ray diffraction, nuclear magnetic resonance and 3D electron microscopy. The aims of the task force are: Capacity building in structural biology, particularly in developing countries Dissemination of information by creating an on-line Bulletin Board […]

6th Iberian / 10th Iberoamerican Biophysics Congress

6th International Iberian Biophysics Congress and 10th Iberoamerican Congress of Biophysics. June 20 – 22, 2018, Castellón (Spain). Deadlines Bursaries Application: February 20th 2018. Early Registration (low fee): March 23rd 2018. Abstract Submission: April 15th 2018. Late Registration: June 20th 2018. More information Please, visit the Congress Web Site.

Taskforce on Capacity Building & Education 2014

REPORT of the TASK FORCE on CAPACITY BUILDING and EDUCATION in BIOPHYSICS History of the Taskforce The activities of this Task force during the last few years may not be fully understood without considering previous information. For the benefit of those who may not be aware of this history, I will make a brief mention […]

Young Scientist Travel Awards for 19th IBC

Early Career Travel Grants are to assist young biophysicists, especially from developing countries, and applications will open from Monday, January 09, 2017. These IUPAB awards are intended to supplement, rather than to fully pay travel expenses. Maximum award is $1000 Euros and minimum is $250 Euros. The awards are not intended to cover the cost […]

19th IBC and EBSA satellite meetings

Here is a list of satellite meetings which are being held in conjunction with the IUPAB and EBSA congress. For more information, visit the website at: EBSA Young scientists networking satellite – “Biophysics in the 21st Century” Location: Edinburgh Dates and times: Thursday 13 July, 17:00 – Sunday 16 July, 12:00. CCPN 2017 conference, […]