
Report: IUPAB Contribution to the ICSU 29th General Assembly in Maputo, Mozambique, October 20-24, 2008

As agreed and discussed with Council prior to the ICSU meeting, IUPAB presented a poster that focussed on IUPAB workshops and taskforces, especially as they related to Africa.  The poster can be viewed here. Outcomes of the IUPAB presentation: The Secretary-General presented this poster and provided 25 copies as A4 printed sheets. The poster was […]

Report of the Bioinformatics Task Force for 2008

from Jean Garnier Bioinformatics has become a discipline in itself and is well integrated into Biophysics. This is not because biologists need to digitalized their data and analyze them with computers but because this discipline needs to apply algorithms which come from concept or techniques developed in Physics or in Mathematics or to implement rigorous […]

Biophysical Reviews – the new official journal of the Union

Biophysical Reviews publishes short and critical reviews from key figures in the field. Authors are encouraged to discuss with the Editor the possibility of contributing a review. Biophysical Reviews covers the entire field of biophysics, generally defined as the science of describing and defining biological phenomenon using the concepts and the techniques of physics. This […]

Report on CODATA Activities for 2008

The Committee on Data for Science and Technology (CODATA) was created in 1966 as an interdisciplinary Scientific Committee of the International Council for Science (ICSU). Its seat is located in Paris, 5, rue Auguste Vacquerie at the ICSU headquarters where their secretariat is housed. We may note that it is also the legal seat for […]

New ICSU Executive Board 2008-2011

The 29th General Assembly of ICSU in Maputo, Mozambique elected the follwoing new office bearers: President: Catherine Bréchignac (3 year term) Past-President: Goverdhan Mehta (18 month term) President-Elect: Yuan-Tseh Lee (18 months from early 2010) Vice-President, Scientific Plannning: Kari Raivio (3 year term) Vice-President, External Relations: Reiko Kuroda (3 year term) Secretary-General: Maurice Tchuente (3 […]

New Liaison Contact with IUPAP

IUPAP, on its 26th General Assembly in Tsukuba, Japan, earlier this month, has appointed Uli as the official IUPAP Liaison to IUPAB (see below). This is good news because IUPAB has been considering how best to go about improving relations with this large and powerful union. Congratulations Uli

Release of Funding for Schools in Biophysics

President Nagayama has authorized the 2009 awards for Schools in Biophysics.  A total of US$40,000 has been allocated for this purpose. The awards were decided on the basis of the votes received from members of the IUPAB Council. Funding for the following Schools has been approved: (1)    Croatia 10th International Summer School, 19 – October […]

Contacting the IUPAB

Notices of News and Events, and all queries regarding the IUPAB should be sent to:

Computational Biophysics

The Union is in the process of forming a web-based network to facilitate communication between graduate students and early career computational scientists. The network is primarily intended to assist scientists from developing countries. We hope to be able to offer advice and possibly other assistance such as network and PC assistance. For example, the following […]

Biophysics Schools Funding

Application for funding to assist Schools in Biophysics have closed. The applications are currently being reviewed. We expect to make a decision by mid-September (or earlier) and the results will be posted on this website. Cris dos Remedios Secretary General