Use of Funds Provided Through the IUPAB Grant Programme For Schools and Workshops – Summary of Guidelines
Organizers will prepare and sign a simple “Sponsorship agreement ” between their organization and IUPAB (represented by IUPAB Treasurer). A template will be provided. Once the “Sponsorship agreement ” is signed, the organizers will send to IUPAB Treasurer an invoice corresponding to the amount of the grant, and the details of the bank account for the transfer of the funds (no personal account).
After the meeting, the organizers will send to the Treasurer’s office a detailed financial report with all original receipts of expenses. A template will be provided.
The IUPAB grant must be used to support the travel and living costs of students attending the scientific event. The financial report will include the following items:
Travel and accomodation
List of names and professional addresses of all individuals having benefited from IUPAB support and amount of funds received by each of them.This list must be accompanied by
- photocopies of plane, bus, train tickets
- individual original receipts signed by each recipient of funds and stating the amount received, with photocopy of recipient’s passport
Coffee Breaks and Meals
List of all items and corresponding costs with original invoices.
Publications, Postage, Documentation, Printing, Photocopying
List of all items and corresponding costs with original invoices.
Planning/ coordination/administration
List of all items and corresponding costs. with original invoices. This class of expenses should be kept to the minimum necessary for the normal operation of the event.
Please note that local administrative costs such as purchase of computers, audio-visual equipment or devices, furniture etc. are not eligible. Rental of poster boards is acceptable (with original invoices).
Payment of salaries, overtime etc. with IUPAB funds is strictly prohibited.
For further information, please contact IUPAB treasurer – Dr Christina Sizun (Email: