Results of IUPAB Elections 2021

Results of IUPAB Elections recently held:
President Elect: Anthony Watts (UK)
Treasurer: Christina Sizun (France)
Councillors (in alphabetical order):
Gabriela Amodeo (Argentina)
Anastasia A. Anashkina (Russia)
John Baenziger (Canada)
Matthew Baker (Australia)
V. R. Chary (India)
David Crossman (New Zealand)
Ana Denicola (Uruguay)
Hans-Joachim Galla (Germany)
Angela M. Gronenborn (USA)
Takayuki Nishizaka (Japan)
Peter Pohl (Austria)
Gabriella Viero (Italy)
They will take office during the Gedral Assembly that will be held associated to the Congress (October 4th-8th, 2021).