Focused Meeting will be held in years in which we do not hold our triennial Congress. The organization of these Meetings should be carried out within a country which is represented in IUPAB. It will be preferred to have co-organizers from two or more countries. These meetings are supposed to bring together researchers interested in a given topic, but an added value will be that participants will come from different disciplines. Topics must be timely and dealing with cutting-edge science, covering 3-4 days and of clear relevance for Biophysics. A gender and geographical balance will be required when considering the list of speakers. Regular annual Meetings of Societies will not be funded.
IUPAB must appear as the main and major sponsor of the Meeting and the sponsorship must be clearly advertised in a very prominent way in all printed and electronic material (website, flyers, etc). A pattern designed by IUPAB must be used in the website, flyers and all materials related to the meeting.
Attendance to these Meetings must be open to participants from all countries, and with special encouragement to admit participants from countries where biophysics is emerging or from developing countries.
A bid to organize these meetings must provide the following details in the application:
- Title, dates and location. The Focused Meeting should take place in a country with an IUPAB Adhering Body. The dates of the Focused Meeting should not overlap with other IUPAB events, and should not take place within a year in which an IUPAB triennial Congress will be held.
- A brief description of meeting’s topic and themes, the opportunity and importance of the topic, and the adequacy of the location should be emphasized.
- The proposed meeting dates and number of anticipated attendees should be given.
- Focused Meetings should normally have 100-300 participants. Particular attention should be paid to participation of early career scientists (Ph.D. students and post-doctoral fellows).
- Scientific program. A preliminary program should be submitted with the application. The program should be diverse (including lectures, open discussions, poster sessions), and it should be developed for a period of 3-4 working days. Limited social activities may be planned as well. The final Scientific Program should be approved by IUPAB Executive Committee, and it should be submitted at least 6 months in advance of the dates proposed for the Meeting.
The organizer(s) should provide a detailed budget.
Organizers of approved Meetings must provide IUPAB Secretary General with a flyer advertising the Meeting as soon as possible, to be displayed in our website and published in IUPAB News. This flyer should be sent to IUPAB Secretary General not later than 9 months before the fixed days for such a Meeting.
Deadline for 2022 Focused Meetings will be announced well in advance.
A report (the form for which can be downloaded from the IUPAB website), should be sent to the IUPAB Secretary General and to the Treasurer, not later than three months after the conclusion of the Focused Meeting. The report should include:
1) The detailed scientific program.
2) A list (including nationality and gender) of participants and lecturers.
3) The detailed budget.
4) A brief report of about 1000 words written by the organizers and accompanied by 2-3 pictures or illustrations, to be published by IUPAB News and to be posted in IUPAB website.
Applications should be sent to the IUPAB Secretary General.
The selection will be carried out by IUPAB Council.
Funded students should write a brief report for IUPAB (not more than 200 words) explaining the interest for himself/herself of the event that will be published in the web and/or in IUPAB News. A picture of the funded person should be attached.