Open Access Journal. Thermodynamics of Life: Cells, Organisms and Evolution

The Biophysicist is a new journal published by the Biophysical Society
Agenda IUPAB Newsletters News News and Agenda
At this moment, when the world is looking to science to provide solutions to the novel coronavirus pandemic, the speed with which the public authorities invest in research and innovation will be decisive for facing this crisis. The governments of different countries must cooperate strategically in a coordinated manner to provide the best way to […]
We are all dealing with difficult times due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. The situation has worsened significantly in Europe and USA, as well as elsewhere. Some of you may be in the rush to find new solutions to the pandemic and we wish all the success in your efforts. Although our event is still […]
We reproduce due to his interest of this document from the Biophysical Society Responding to the Coronavirus Threat through Investments in Fundamental Biomedical Research. From the Public Affairs Committee of the Biophysical Society The Coronavirus COVID-19 outbreak is putting enormous strains on our hospitals, health care providers and public health system. The […]
Agenda Archived Conferences News News and Agenda
The first edition of the Avanti Polar Lipids-IUPAB Medal and Prize has been awarded to Prof. Anthony Watts for his pioneering contributions to biophysical research on membranes especially with the use of novel NMR techniques. Tony Watts graduated from Leeds University, UK with a BSc and PhD in biophysics. After 5 years working […]
IUPAB offers bursaries to individual young scientists to participate in the IUPAB Congress to be held in Foz do Iguazu (Brazil) (October 4th-8th, 2021). The purpose of these bursaries is to promote the mobility of biophysicists and to promote the best Science in the field of biophysics. Applications are invited from young scientists from any […]
The University of Eastern Finland (Kuopio campus) offers a multidisciplinary two-year master’s programme in medical physics that combines high-quality teaching and a top-notch research environment. This postgraduate programme is designed for students of any nationality, and no more than 15 students are accepted to it. To be suitable for the programme, the applicant is expected […]
The International Union for Pure and Applied Biophysics (IUPAB), invites all biophysicists to nominate candidates for the IUPAB Young Investigators´ Medal and Prize to be awarded at the 2020 Biophysics Congress, in Foz do Iguaçu – Brasil. The award will be given to a young investigator for outstanding contributions to the field of biophysics. […]
Avanti Polar Lipids and IUPAB (International Union for Pure and Applied Biophysics) have established one triennial award to be presented at the triennial IUPAB Congresses. The International Union for Pure and Applied Biophysics (IUPAB) encourage the nomination of candidates for the Avanti Polar Lipids/IUPAB Medal and Prize to be awarded at the 2020 Biophysics Congress, […]
Agenda Future IUPAB Congresses Future IUPAB Congresses News
The IUPAB holds a triennial Congress, next one will take place in Foz do Iguazu (Brazil), the following one will be held in Kyoto (Japan) in 2023 and it is now time to submit bids to host the 2026 Congress. The IUPAB General Assembly will decide about that by votation during the 2020 Congress. According […]
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