Advance Notice for 21st IBC in 2023
Letters of Intent can now be lodged to host the 21st International Biophysics Congress to be held in 2023. The closing date is December 31, 2016.
The deadline for lodgement of the actual bids is May 01, 2017 and bids should be submitted in pdf. with videos, complex graphics, etc. to be available by link to a specific website for the bidding country.
As in previous years, bidding countries may arrange to host presentation functions in Edinburgh at their own cost at the congress venue.
Some information which might be helpful:
- There are no preferred dates, although generally the congress is held in either August or September
- Number of delegates varies upon location, but always more than 2000
- Previous congresses have been held in Amsterdam (1999), New Delhi (2002), Montpellier, France (2005); Los Angeles (2008) ; Beijing (2011); Brisbane (2014). 2017 will be in Edinburgh and Rio de Janeiro in 2020.
- Any venue you regard as suitable is fine, considering transport and other facilities
- There are usually a number of meetings of the Executive and Council held in smaller rooms, and a General Assembly to accommodate all the Adhering Bodies representatives (see listing on our website)
- There is usually one formal dinner, and somewhere appropriate is required for the bid presentations for the future congresses
- IUPAB does not itself make the choice. The location for the 2023 Congress will be decided by vote of the delegates to the Edinburgh Congress.
- There should be a range of accommodation to appeal to early career scientists (young post-docs, etc) as well as Council, Executive and invited speakers. As IUPAB usually pays accommodation for invited speakers if they are not covered by their own institutions, then it is desirable that there is a competitive rate, and there should be some economy of scale for such a large conference.
Voting to choose the venue for the 2023 Congress will take place at the General Assembly in Edinburgh in July.