The International Union for Pure and Applied Biophysics (IUPAB) was formed in Stockholm in 1961 as the International Organisation for Pure and Applied Biophysics. It was established as the International Union in 1966, when it became a member of the ICSU (International Council for Science) family. Affiliated to it are the national adhering bodies of 61 countries . Its function is to support research and teaching in biophysics. Its principal regular activity is the triennial International Congresses and General Assemblies.
The Statutes and Rules of Procedures
Code of Conduct for Meetings
National organizations and/or national biophysical societies can apply for membership as Adhering Bodies at any one of the following subscription levels:
- Category 1: €4,500 enables 3 voting delegates;
- Category 2: €2,250 enables 2 voting delegates;
- Category 3: €750 enables 1 voting delegate;
- Observer: €100 subscribers at this level may not vote in General Assemblies.
Associate: No fee for countries on the OECD list of Least Developed Countries (2023, given here ). No voting rights.
An application for membership or for a change in membership category must be approved by the General Assembly of the Union before it can take effect. Application forms can be found in Forms
IUPAB has task forces concerned with major areas of biophysics: on Applications of Biophysics and Education & Capacity Building. The Task Force convenors also arrange specialist meetings either associated with the Congresses or, more commonly, in the intervals between Congresses.
The Union has funds that it uses to support conferences, schools and workshops; these funds are very limited and are normally used to provide `pump-priming’ support to meeting organisers.
The current President of the Union is Professor Marcelo Morales (Brasil) and the Secretary-General (to whom enquiries should be addressed) is:
Associate Professor Ronald J. Clarke, (link to https://www.sydney.edu.au/science/about/our-people/academic-staff/ronald-clarke.html)
Secretary-General IUPAB,
Associate Professor of Physical Chemistry,
Room 517, School of Chemistry (F11),
The University of Sydney,
NSW 2006,
T +61 2 9351 4406 | F +61 2 9351 3329 | Email: ronald.clarke@sydney.edu.au
IUPAB is registered in France according Loi du 1er juillet 1901-Art.5, no d’ordre 03/000309, no dossier 00158190