IUPAB Regional Organizations Meetings


Meetings organized by the Biophysical Society (2018-19)

  2018 Thematic Meetings August 19-24, 2018Santa Cruz, CaliforniaGenome Biophysics: Integrating Genomics and Biophysics to Understand Structural and Functional Aspects of Genomes 2018 Thematic MeetingsSeptember 4-7, 2018Berlin, GermanyThe Heart by Numbers: Integrating Theory, Computation, and Experiment to Advance Cardiology Biophysical Society 63rd Annual  Meeting March 2-6, 2019 Baltimore, Maryland   2019 Thematic Meetings March 31 […]

6th Iberian / 10th Iberoamerican Biophysics Congress

6th International Iberian Biophysics Congress and 10th Iberoamerican Congress of Biophysics. June 20 – 22, 2018, Castellón (Spain). Deadlines Bursaries Application: February 20th 2018. Early Registration (low fee): March 23rd 2018. Abstract Submission: April 15th 2018. Late Registration: June 20th 2018. More information Please, visit the Congress Web Site.

19th IBC and EBSA satellite meetings

Here is a list of satellite meetings which are being held in conjunction with the IUPAB and EBSA congress. For more information, visit the website at: www.iupab2017.org/satellitemeetings EBSA Young scientists networking satellite – “Biophysics in the 21st Century” Location: Edinburgh Dates and times: Thursday 13 July, 17:00 – Sunday 16 July, 12:00. CCPN 2017 conference, […]

Quantitative Approaches to Antimicrobial Resistance meeting in Edinburgh

The Quantitative Approaches to Antimicrobial Resistance meeting will be held immediately following the 19th IUPAB congress and 11th EBSA congress at the Edinburgh International Conference Centre from 2pm on Thursday 20 July until 3pm on Friday 21 July. The meeting aims to bring together microbiologists and biophysicists interested in using quantitative approaches for understanding antimicrobial […]

Satellite Meeting to 19th IBC IUPAB-EBSA2017 in Edinburgh on Biophysical Approaches to Protein Folding and Disease

Biophysical Approaches to Protein Folding and Disease is a satellite meeting to the European biophysics congress (IUPAB-EBSA2017) in Edinburgh, UK. It focuses on how complementary molecular-scale biophysical methods can be applied to the timely study of the biomedically-pressing issue of protein misfolding. It is organized by the ARBRE-MOBIEU molecular biophysics European network (www.arbre-mobieu.eu) and can […]

Advance Notice for 21st IBC in 2023

Letters of Intent can now be lodged to host the 21st International Biophysics Congress to be held in 2023. The closing date is December 31, 2016. The deadline for lodgement of the actual bids is May 01, 2017 and bids should be submitted in pdf. with videos, complex graphics, etc. to be available by link […]